Last week, IIG attended the annual Acumatica Summit! This is a flagship event for customers and partners in the community to explore Acumatica’s newest releases, product certifications, and forming the connections that lead to greater success. It was an absolute thrill to see everyone at this years Acumatica Summit.. In Las Vegas!
This year IIG was an Acumatica Gold sponsor, and setup at booth #37, Showcasing many of our certified enhancements. To our excitement, two members of IIG were awarded MVP status from Acumatica. Our Chief Solutions Architect (Alec Baghdasaryan, Product MVP), and Senior Software Developer (Samvel Petrosov, Developer MVP). Our developer MVP also participated in this year's annual 'Hackathon' event, winning 2nd place among several participating teams. We are very proud of the efforts our team is pumping into the Acumatica community.
Hackathon 2nd Place: Team Zeta
Samvel Petrosov | Information Integration Group Tony Hill | Advantage Sport & Fitness Hank Vanderstoep | Contou Inc. Kyle Vanderstoep | Contou Inc. Stan Aistov | Quantum Leaf Solutions Alexander Taran | Acumatica
Solution: Generic Forms
According to Team Zeta, the idea of Generic Forms is to replicate what Generic Inquiries did for Inquiry screens but for forms. Generic Forms allows the user to configure a collection of fields and then dynamically generate an entry screen based on that collection. The entry screen can persist the data into the database, which can then be viewed in a Generic Inquiry and possibly joined to other data in the system. Data that has been scattered over the network on Excel spreadsheets could then be brought into the robust and secure database and related to other records.
IIG now how seven ISV solutions certified & fullfilled by Acumatica. To lean more about our enhancements for Acumatica, check them out here. You can also view our solutions on the Acumatica Marketplace, including our most recent release of Gmail integration