Custom Software Solutions
Looking for that one piece of the puzzle that would make everything run perfectly for you? Been checking out numerous developers and can't seem to find anyone who makes it? Well look no further. Our dedicated and certified team of programmers and developers can custom design any software solution project you're looking to take on from start to finish. We design and create custom applications that are not only technically robust but ensure they meet our clients short and long term business goals. We can even work with you to customize your existing software to better fit your needs.

Application Integrations

Core business systems sometimes don't accurately share all the information you need them to. Some won't even let you export data. Don't bother entering in that data by hand. IIG has the means to merge apps together, making the data & info work instead of you.
Consulting Services
You can read everything online until you're blue in the face but the real test of what we can do for you comes by opening up a line of dialog so we can fully understand what it is your company does, what you're currently working with, and how those processes can be improved upon. Reach out to us today to schedule a complimentary consultation.